The opening of a short film: The genre of 'Memoirs of a Survivor' is an apocalypse thriller with comedic twist.
Duration: 2:16
Audience: The genre of our opening sequence is an apocalypse thriller with a comedic twist. The intended audience would be males around the age of 16-25 year old as there is frequent
use of strong language. There is also scene with a decaying hand that does not dwell on pain or injury so therefore it doesn’t class as an 18 but does appeal to older males/females, as there is a thriller effect and comedic twist because it gives it an element of sophistication as well as humour. As our genre is apocalypse thriller is a strong threat and a menacing feel throughout, as everyone is dead.
Resume: The opening to 'Memoirs of a Survivor' starts
with a fade in of an alarm clock, such as on a phone on a bedside table or a windowsill. Matt a 34 year old accountant gets out of bed wearing his pajamas, lumbers to the bathroom, and gets ready for work. Matt then ready puts on his coat and sluggishly walks the stairs. He then walks into the living room says asks did his flatmate have a good night, there is then a shot of his flat mate replying with a zombie-fied 'Hmm'. Matt proceeds to walk out of the door without realising his flat mates hand is decaying. Matt then makes his way to work.
Suggested Elements: For performance will we have Matt Taylor who will play the main character 'Matt' and Matt Molnar who will play the flat mate 'Ted'. At the start of the sequence when Matt gets out of bed he will be wearing his pajamas which will be a simple top and pants. He then walks to the bathroom and gets ready. These isn't really any key props in our intro. Key locations in our sequence will be Salford Queys, which is a upbeat and urban area like Manchester City Centre.The title for our sequence is 'Memoirs of a Survivor' and will appear in the middle of the credits and the titles just as Matt reaches Salford.
Recording Days: We will record 'Memoirs of a Survivor' on a Wednesday afternoon and a Friday morning as this is when we usually have media and twice on the weekend. All this will hopefully be done by F riday 25th of March. As our deadline for everything is 15th of April after we have filmed we
will edit our sequence and add music.
Salford Queys. This is were Matt will begin to realise that something is wrong and proceed to ring the office to find out. He will then see a woman in the distance and begin to run after her. The audience will then be left to wonder if this is a real person or someone of his imagination.

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